
Urban Institute National Data Repository

Federal agencies produce many data sets with information about neighborhoods. Unfortunately, they are not being used to their full potential because local users have difficulty with the published format, are not aware of what's available, or don't see how it can help their work. The Urban Institute hopes to address these issues by providing free, well-documented versions of the national data files with meaningful indicators of community well-being, initially, with the following critical files:

We plan to release more data soon. To sign up for alerts when new data become available, use the box to the right. In the meantime, we encourage you to explore the data for yourself from the source, using the links provided in our list of files.—a federal government site for finding federal data—is another resource for finding public data. Additional data resources described on the Urban Institute's Guide to Data Access and Visualization Resources page.

These Urban Institute National Data Repository data files and the procedures for constructing them were initially developed by the Urban Institute to support DataPlace; any public use of the data files, or works from the data files, must be attributed as explained on the data download pages. By using these files, you acknowledge that the Urban Institute is not liable for their use and you agree to the terms of the license described in the ODbL 1.0 license.

Required attributions are posted on the data download pages for each data source.

Arts and Culture Indicators Project

The Urban Institute's Arts and Culture Indicators Project (ACIP) produces Cultural Vitality Indicators on arts-related jobs, businesses, occupations, and industries. ACIP is releasing national cultural vitality indicators files through the Open Database License. These data files and the procedures for constructing them were developed by the Urban Institute's Arts and Culture Indicators Project (ACIP), with support from the Rockefeller Foundation and Leveraging Investments in Creativity (LINC). The data are licensed under the Open Database License.

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National Data Files
Arts & Culture Indicators Project

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