
Urban Institute National Data Repository

NCES Common Core of Data Public School Survey

These National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Common Core of Data Public School Survey data files and the procedures for constructing them were initially developed by the Urban Institute to support DataPlace. The files are provided as a public service, and unfortunately, we are not currently able to provide individual technical assistance on their use. That said, we welcome comments, corrections, and stories about how you are using the data. Please direct any feedback or questions to The Urban Institute procedures and algorithms used to construct these files are available upon request.

Any public use of these data files, or works from the data files, must be attributed as explained below. By using these files, you acknowledge that the Urban Institute is not liable for their use and you agree to the terms of the license described in the ODbL 1.0 license.

Attribution Requirements for Users

If you publicly use or redistribute the data files, or works produced from them, you must prominently display proper attribution.

Required Attribution: These NCES Common Core of Data data files ( and the procedures for constructing them were initially developed by the Urban Institute to support DataPlace ( The data are licensed under the Open Database License (http:/

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National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) conducts an annual survey of state education agencies to obtain data for every public elementary and secondary school in the United States and its territories, which it then compiles and publishes as the Common Core of Data Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey (CCD).  The CCD has two main purposes: 1) to provide an official listing of public elementary and secondary schools and school districts in the nation as a basis for samples for other NCES surveys; and 2) to provide basic descriptive statistics on public elementary and secondary schools.  Mostly derived from administrative records, data cover school characteristics such as the school level, grades taught, student-teacher ratio, and federal Title I funding eligibility, and also provide information on enrolled student characteristics, including race/ethnicity, free/reduced price lunch eligibility, migrant status, and gender. We provide address-level files for individual schools, as well as aggregate files summing descriptive characteristics for schools in a given geographic area.

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Analysis Examples

Orfield, Gary and Chungmei Lee. "Why Segregation Matters." 2005. Harvard Civil Rights Project.

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